The Bible says that if we have any needs whether they be physical, emotional, or spiritual, we should bring those to God through prayer and He will hear us. If there is anything in your life that you need from God, we would love to partner with you in prayer. Simply fill out the form below and one of our prayer partners will pray for you. We typically approve posts to be live on the wall within 24 hours. You may also pray for someone else’s request by clicking the “I Prayed For This” button at the top right of their request. If you enter your email address in the form, you will be notified when others pray for you. If you have spiritual questions or would like someone to pray with you right now, visit our CHAT page. Live Coaches are standing by.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.


Deep and urgent prayer needed for surrounding my child with God's incredible strength, love, and power in his heart, mind, and body. Urgent prayer needed covering tomorrow and two huge tests that must be passed with high scores. Please pray for confidence in their heart and complete belief in themselves. Please pray for all self doubt and fear to leave their heart, mind and spirit immediately and not return. This prayer is desparately needed for their well being and life's work. Thank you so much for taking the time to pray for a stranger's child. I believe in the power of prayer and the Power of our Lord.

Received: April 30, 2024

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