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I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


My husband and I were married 30 years. He died of cancer in June of 2021. He was 61 and I was 51. I have been sad and in pain ever since. I have been trying to move on with my life, and I am staying as productive as I can, but my heart hurts. Except for my son, I am basically alone as far as family is concerned. I am so thankful to God for showing me His Kindness and Presence, bringing so much comfort and assurance that He is with me, and my husband is in Heaven and he still loves me. I am looking forward to the Lord's return in the rapture, as I believe it is so, very close with all of the events happening that are fulfilling Bible prophecy as we speak. Please pray for me in any way that God leads you. Thank you, and may God bless you always.

Believe in Jesus and Be Saved.

Jesus is Lord.

Received: April 28, 2024

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