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I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


To sum it all up into something short: That God would hear and answer my desperate cries for help in a situation that's beyond hopeless. I'm so tired of hurting and I've lost my life, my youth and all the best years to it all. I need a miracle.

-My health (body, mind, spirit and soul. Chronic pain. Dangerously bad breathing issues. Severe loss of hair. Badly broken teeth. What I call a trauma brain, after a lifetime of abuse and neglect that I have no way or place to escape. Brain fog so bad I can't think clear and it's getting harder to wake up and when I do, I'm barely there; too numb or in too much inward pain to function. Touch-starved.)

-My life (to get to a place with likeminded people, and safe. Where I have value, a reason to have been born. Where I'm a real person. To have a good Christian husband and children before I get any older, because I'm almost 40. To be no longer available for the energy vampires. No more playing the role of a whipping boy/girl.)

-Curses into blessings (family curses on both sides, curses put on me at least by my parents, which is mainly my mother who even recently called me a curse. I've seen her curses come to pass, over and over again. God knows who else. Any curses I've caused myself)

-God's mercy, love, guidance, protection, blessings and peace.

-Full armor of God on me. My life filled with God. More faith in God. To be deaf to the enemy's voice.

-Free from demons of depression, anxiety, self-hatred, suicide, self-harm, bad mouth, bad thoughts and sexual immortality. Comfort eating that started from childhood.

-Financially secure to take care of myself, have a home (I'm technically homeless, but forced to live with people who hate me), take care of my nearest and dearest, and get everything I need for my health and life.

-To find beauty in the ugliness of my life and existence. To become whole. To be strong where I've been weak. To leave behind something good once I'm gone. To have a life worth living.

God bless you.

Received: April 26, 2024

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